

像面积图和饼图一样,堆叠条/柱形图(Stacked Column Charts)也很适合用来展示部分和整体的关系。


声明:本文是专题《数据可视化的最佳实践》的系列文章,内容摘自 Datawrapper Blog,著作版权由网站及其作者所有。

I. 何时该用堆叠柱形图?

When to use stacked column charts?
TIPS 1:当总体值很重要的时候


Stacked column chart can work well for dates, but should only be considered if the total of your parts is crucial. If the total of your parts is not important, a line chart is a better choice. It can be quicker decipherable by your readers.


TIPS 2:展示多个总体值的时候


Stacked column charts are great to show the parts of multiple totals. If you only want to show parts of one total, consider a bar chart instead. It will use your available space better than a stacked column chart. In addition, readers will be able to compare the parts better with each other.


TIPS 3:总体数量较少的时候

堆叠柱状图展示有限总体,尤其是少于 10 个(总体内成分也不能太多)的时候最好。如果非要展示,考虑用堆叠条形图或其他能够纵向展示数据的图像。

Stacked column charts work well for only a few totals. If you have more than approximately 10 bars (and not so many parts for each total anyway), consider a stacked bar chart or other chart types that display data in rows.


TIPS 4:比较个体与总体的差异时


Stacked column charts work well when the focus of the chart is to compare the totals and one part of the totals. It’s hard for readers to compare columns that don’t start at the same baseline. If the focus of your chart is to compare multiple parts across all your totals with each other, consider split bars or small multiples instead.


TIPS 5:需要比较各成分值的时候


For time data, also consider a line chart if you want to show that one share overtook another one. Readers won’t see intuitively that the chart is about parts of a total anymore. However, you will communicate your message more clearly and don’t need to show all the shares of the total to do so.


TIPS 6:展示时间少、间隔一致的时间序列

一般的条/柱形图适合展示种类比较少的数据,太多了就会影响阅读(实际上变成了分布图)。堆叠柱形图也是如此。不过,仍然要注意这种图仅限于总数很重要的时候(TIPS 1)使用。如果不满足以上任一条件,最好还是用面积图(或者线形图),因为它们的横轴刻度是连续的,能够正确显示时间间隔,避免引起曲解。

If you want to use stacked column charts for time data, make sure your dates have the same intervals. If you want to choose between area charts and stacked column charts, then the latter one is a better choice if you only have a few dates. Readers will be able to compare the parts of the totals better with each other than on an area chart. However, if the intervals between your dates are different, use an area chart (or line chart). They have x-axes with continuous scales that will show the date intervals correctly.

这里各时间段的总和(都等于 1)没有实际使用意义,并且间隔不完全一致('17 离 '14 有 3 个单位),使用面积图更好

TIPS 7:(如有必要)使用尽可能短的数据标签


Stacked column charts work well when totals have short labels. Consider a stacked bar chart instead.


II. 怎样制作更好的堆叠图?

How to make line charts better?
TIPS 1:给最重要的数据上色放在底端

Bring the most important value to the bottom of the chart and use color to make it stand out. Your readers can compare values easier with each other if they have the same baseline.


TIPS 2:将数值转成百分比(这样每部分的和都是100%,显得更整齐)

Consider stacking percentages (so that every total will sum up to 100%).


TIPS 3:不要额外展示总和


Make sure that you include all parts of the total in your charts – and only parts of the total. Don’t include the total in your chart.

如非必要,勿增实体(Occam's Razor)

TIPS 4:合并小份额数据到一个标签(如「其他」)

Consider grouping tiny parts together into one bigger part (e.g. “others”) to clean up the overall look of the chart.


III. 进一步阅读


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